6 Ways to live sustainably on a budget

With the focus very much on the environment at the moment, it’s no wonder climate change is on all our minds. Living sustainably is something we all want to do more of but it doesn’t have to mean spending big money on brand new sustainable products. We’ve put together 6 ideas that might help you make a few changes that could make a big difference to the planet.

How to start

Sustainable living involves looking at the things you do daily, to see if you can make small changes that could potentially have a big impact. It’s important that you pick things you’ll be able to keep doing and that aren’t going to cost you an arm and a leg.

Social media might have you believe sustainable living means throwing out the old and starting from a fresh. However before you reach for that expensive set of glass jars, see if you can make do with what you already have in your home.

In the kitchen

There are lots of small changes that you can make regarding your food.

Why not try eating less meat by substituting half of the meat in a recipe for lentils, chickpeas or other pulses. You don’t have to cut it out completely but making your meat go further can help with the impact on the environment.

Plan meals before going shopping and check your cupboards before you go. Planning meals will not only help you cut the cost of your shop but will also help reduce your food waste too. Another great way to help the environment and save money is by batch cooking and freezing portions of food. Buying foods in bulk will help to reduce cost and reduced cooking times reduces the amount of energy used.

Try buying local produce that hasn’t had to travel as far. This cuts down on carbon footprint and also helps local growers too. Buying local food will also help you to make use of the seasonal vegetables which can help reduce costs too.

If you are green-fingered and willing, grow your own vegetables. Items like potatoes and carrots are easy and fun to grow, and usually, they taste much better too!


We hear a lot about fast fashion at the moment. Between the constantly changing trends and the need to look our best, the clothes we buy never seem to stay in our wardrobes for long. Not only this but big manufacturers will also get rid of perfectly good fabric once a new trend comes along.

To combat this world of fast fashion you don't have to buy bespoke expensive pieces. Go to charity shops or use one of the online second-hand clothing sites. Perfectly good clothing can be found at affordable prices.

Day-to-day living

Changing your day-to-day may seem a little scary at first. Done right, you will hardly notice the difference. Start washing your clothes on a 30-degree wash, change from a plastic toothbrush to a bamboo one. Use a roll-on deodorant instead of a spray.

Take the bus or train to work instead of driving, or even walk if you’re close enough.

Use what you have

To live sustainably, you don't need to spend money on things that you won’t use in a few weeks time. Why not make use of things you already have around your house.

For example, reusing takeaway containers for Tupperware. This is far better for the environment than buying brand new items and you no doubt already have them on hand. They might not look as Instagram ready but will save the planet and your money in the long run.

3 R’s

Reduce the amount of energy you use, waste you produce and money you spend on items you won’t use often.

Reuse what you can and repurpose things you already have laying around your house.

Recycle properly. Many of us will recycle plastics without noticing if it can be, or will throw away cardboard that can be recycled. Read up on what all the symbols mean here.

Borrow and swap

Get your friends involved, if you need something see if someone you know would be willing to part with it. You never know you could have something they need too!
